Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Adventures of Duck Creek: Day Two

We took a day hike at Cedar Breaks on Sunday and got more than we bargained for. It was a beautiful place that reminded me of a mini grand canyon. The trail started out strolling through sunshine and meadows and ended up shlopping through mud, crossing snow patches and then it started raining and hailing which I termed "railing" half way through our hike. Honovi (4) was my buddy and was no easy task trying to help this little pixie through the muddy trail without us sliding on our butts. It's no secret that I am not the most coordinated.   By the end we all looked like a bunch of rats who survived a mudslide only to drown in the river.

Cedar Breaks Utah

My last day being 31

Other Highlights:

That morning the kids packed back packs to go see the horses. Laney asked me for something Chilali could use. I told her to share her backpack, She explained it was too full. I think they packed enough stuff for a week.

Going on an expedition
Grandpa took them to see the horses.

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