Saturday, October 23, 2010

Deep Thoughts by Jordan

I realized Jordan has been a bit underrepresented in our blog so far. So I thought I would take the opportunity to write down some favorite quotes and conversations we've had recently. He is quite verbally inclined and I am often surprised at the thoughtful observations and questions he makes daily.

One Sunday I asked him to get his clothes on for church and he sighed dramatically and lamented,

“I wish today was Labor Day.”

(me) “ Labor Day?”

(Jordan) “Yeah, you know... like it's Sunday but,we don't have to go to church.”

He was definitely too young to grasp the irony of asking for a Labor Day for Sunday-- the day of rest from your labors.

The other day I was dishing out food for lunch and he said,

“Be sure and get me a vegetable with a tail on it.”

(me) “yeah sure honey, ( I thought he was being silly)

(Jordan) “You know why, Mom?”

(me) “No”

(Jordan) “You know, because... Veggie Tales”

I tried to explain it was a homophone, that it was actually spelled differently and meant stories about vegetables. To which he replied,

“Then why didn't they just call them Veggie Stories?

(probably because they more preoccupied with linguistical flow rather than children visioning thier food with tails)

A couple days ago, we were driving in the car and he asked,

“Mom do small trees grow up to be Big Palm trees?”

to which I explained only if it started as a small palm tree, just like he wouldn't grow up to be Laney. Which must have led to a leap in logic about a recent discovery we learned and he said,

“Mom, you know how babies have lots more bones than grown-ups, where do they go? Do they just disappear and go to Jesus or something?”

I love this kid!

1 comment:

  1. How stinkin cute!! I can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!
