I'm always a fan of a good surprise, So I plotted with Blaine to keep our visit a secret from Tamra and the kids. It was a little dicey for him trying to hurry the family through Costco to get home to meet us, but it was priceless hearing her excitement as my kids walked into the kitchen nonchalantly carrying groceries from the car. (See below)
They live minutes from the beach-- sad for them huh?
So fun seeing them reunited playing with their buddies like ol' times
Getting drenched and dirty-- yep- just like ol' times
Her jeans were soaked, I don't know how she could stand it!
We were so tired that night from 3 hours of sleep we got that morning, we ended up crashing at their house.
Playing kickball and soccer at the park the next day
Anya and Bella excitedly showed the kids all the snails in their front yard. Yes, snails are foreign entity to my little desert rats. They nicknamed their play "Going Snailing. " JJ offered a cash bribe to anyone willing to put one on their nose. I disapproved of taking advantage of the kids for personal entertainment, especially when he ended up having to pay them in Euros. But they said they didn't mind. I love these photos of Anya.
Anya--Going Snailing!
Cade Oliver-- or "Cado" as the nickname goes.
He is the cutest little guy. Such a sweet disposition. The jury is out on who he most resembles,
but he has Bella's cute little lips!
Pretty Momma!
I enjoyed much baby snuggle time!
After four years of being carpool buddies we sure miss seeing them every day,
but it's nice to see them settled and happy.
And... it just gives us more excuses to visit California--
We'll definitely be back!
That afternoon we head back to my folks and enjoyed more time playing on the beach.
Here is JJ going in for a swim, and.....
Coming out 5 minutes later. It was cooooold!
And even more beach time on our last day
I just love sitting on the beach watching them play
I get a little Deja vu of my childhood beach days
Burying his arm in the hillside
The kids found over 3 hundrend mini clams-- They counted them all
I loved watching the little clammy bodies slurp out of the shell looking for food.
What's a beach visit without a burial?
Despite the rocky start we had such a nice trip and a thankfully uneventful drive home!!!