As a quick update on Felicity Status.
Apparently the kid's infatuation didn't extend to consistent playing or pooper scooping and even went so far as avoidance of the back yard. Turns out our kids are, well... our kids. They aren't really dog people either, go figure. As for me, I think the spell cast by her was broken by the euphoria of my Italy trip and the chewing of Jordan's new school shoes. If that wasn't enough to seal her fate, Dr. Nefario himself expressed utter exasperation at the first sign of night barking and impatiently asked when I was going to get rid of her. I ruled out listing her on craigslist when I found out free dogs can often meet untimely ends. So it was off to the animal shelter where she was guiltily given up. I like to think her future is a nice family with a big yard and big heart willing to train her and not euthanasia, but at least we kept her off the street.
You know, I have received such unappreciative comments from JJ such as " What were you thinking?" and "I can't believe you picked up a dog."
I think instead I deserve a pat on the back. After all, at the mere price of some dog food, a collar, and school shoes I have single handedly rid us of years of pet begging from our kids. We are no longer the bad guys, keeping them from the joys of pet ownership. Even they admit we aren't cut out for pets. I think maybe we need to start with something more suited to our level-( level zero). I'm thinking..... The Pillow Pet. Yep, that should do.
i've been waiting to hear... lots of giggles over here about your adventure with felicity. funny stuff- your heart is GOLD.